Thursday, May 26, 2005


There haven't been a lot of posts about Operation Bedtime lately. There's a good reason for that - it failed. It failed the moment I put it into effect. I realize in order to carry out Operation Bedtime to a successful routine I'd need a platoon of Marines with the SEALs backing them up.

I am in short supply of Marines. And honestly the SEALs are hard to reach by phone.

Unless you have donuts. Then they're all yours. I happen to know from experience.

In any case I've come to the realization that I'm a big, horrible, push-over. This morning would be a prime example. I leave for work at 7:30am. My husband, who is going to the special doctor today, had to leave by 7:00am (later than normal). This would mean that he needs to take a shower before me and be out in time for me to jump in and get to work on time. Makes sense yes?

I got up as usual and ironed his uniform (lately he's refused to wear ANY of his uniforms but his old one - which means I need to wash and iron the same stupid uniform everyday...I have no idea why) went to hang it next to the sink so he could get out of the shower and get dressed when I noticed he was not in the shower yet. He was still in bed. Awake, but playing on the freaking laptop! In bed!

I started off well I said "Craig!" (in my most exasperated tone that automatically comes when I realize I now have the choice of being late for work or not getting to take a shower - neither are really an option) Then he said "I'm trying to get direction to Walter Reed for this morning. So I can't get up. (In his most whiney voice that really says "It's not fair that you used the exasperated voice on me because I'm not doing anything wrong - besides ruining your morning.) Basically I had come to the Mom-Meets-Teenage Son battle. And I failed...miserably. Instead of saying "You should have done that last night since you knew you'd have this appointment, now get your butt in gear and get in that shower NOW." I said "Sorry, I'll call the information line, why don't you take a shower."

Then he said "No, I'll find it myself"

Now also would have been a good time to say "Just do it my way." But I didn't. He took forever, I'm sure he was late to his appointment. I got to work at 8:02am so it wasn't that bad...but still late.

The results of my discovery this morning come in the next post.

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