Friday, June 24, 2005

Things I've Learned from the Navy

1) Sailors like beer.
2) Sailors like to spend money.
3) The sailorette that has a crush on your husband will use his drunken state as a good excuse to convince him you (the wife) are fat, boring, and undesirable while making her seem like the saint who shops for clothes with him and spends afternoon tending to his alcohol induced headache.
4) The Navy needs to stop having drunken luncheons.
5) I am far prettier and far thinner than any of the stupid sailorettes out there.

I don't care if that sounds arrogant. I am not a size 14...I am far far far from a size 14 and way less that her stupid size 20!


/end female induced jealousy and estrogen-high, low self-esteem driven rage

*edit for one more thought:

It is a fact that when I am truly pissed at a woman I will go straight for the appearance. My mine goes from "that bitch" directly to "that fat bitch" or "that ugly bitch" or if I'm really angry "that fat, ugly bitch". This is the arrogant and narcissistic side of me that I do not particularly like. Not being an incredibly gorgeous woman I have been on the wrong side of "ugly bitch" before - and it didn't feel good. However, it felt better than someone maligning my character. At least I can shake off a bad appearance insult. Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder.

However, it still remains that when I get pissed I instantly get off at "fat-land" and start hiking. Not that being fat is a bad thing, and more often than not no reflection whatsoever on the persons worth as a human being. Nonetheless - it's easy. I do see it as a gross form of prejudice. I'm not proud of it. I let myself be conditioned into it and I make little effort to shy away from it when I am truly incensed.

Take this as a look into the female psyche. If I had an outlet other than a blog to show how upset I am at this woman right now it would involve hair pulling and cat-scratching.

Just goes to show - women ain't that pretty.

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