Sunday, September 04, 2005

Spam Burger

So, I have, like all the rest of the Blogger faithful, received a few spam comments. No biggie, they aren't that numerous and I think the few people who may happen upon them are bright enough to know not to click on their links.

However, today I received one calling me fat.

This is simply unacceptable.

I can deal with the ads offering to enlarge my penis (which if they could enlarge mine they are worth every damn penny). I can deal with the offers to refinance my house and cut down on my debt. I don't mind the Nigerian trust lawyers stopping by, they are always very respectful (they are, you can tell by the way they type "Respectfully yours"). I can handle spam telling me that my boobs are a little too small, I don't like it, but then again I'm not Pamela Anderson either. I certainly don't mind being sent porn (we already knew I'm sorta a slut).

However, when something named after a fake meat product calls me fat...there is something seriously wrong. I'm overweight? What about your 200+ caloried ass? At least I don't have yellow gel hanging off my gut like you do.


He thinks I'm thorough now...wait till I find his big Treet ass and thoroughly grind it into spam musubi!

Of course, he's Spam so I can't do much about the fact he showed up on my blog (other than delete it and thus make this whole post useless). What will I do instead of throwing the white glove at the Hormel miscreants feet?

Ask my husband if I really do look fat over and over again till he responds:

"My darling Katy, you are the most beautiful thing to have ever crossed my humble path. Now shut up so I can go to sleep."

Ah offending spam...I feel a war coming your way...a war lead by a thousand under-rested husbands. Bet you wish you hadn't called me fat now huh?


Anonymous said...

Will the new Civic Hybrid beat the Prius in MPG?
While perusing TCC's reports on the new Civics from Honda, we noticed a paragraph tucked away under the heading "The Hybrid" in which Honda says the Civic Hybrid will get 43.6 mpg in real-world driving, a ...
Great blog I love it. Very interesting stuff.!
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Fred said...

LOL. But, I have some really good news.

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.