Saturday, September 10, 2005

Purging Wickedness

I don't know how it happened, but today someone felt the need to tell me that Hurricane Katrina was God's hand purging sin and wickedness.

I remember hearing things like this during the Tsunami, the Hurricanes last year, the attacks on the World Trade Center, the attack on the USS Cole, the bombing in Chicago. I've heard it a lot.

So for years and years God has been striking down purging sin all over the world. Yet, the people who can look at a small child who is starving, hurt and alone and call them sin incarnate for being born out of wedlock - still walk around healthy, happy, and with wagging tongues?

God has very bad aim.


Fred said...

Don't forget about Al Qaeda saying that N.O. was hit because of all the "sin" there.

I'm off to see something about catching fish in the above comment. Here's to spam!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say Katrina was the hand of God. I-would- say thaty Kanye West doesn't interview well.

katy said...

This post was a little rash. I know there are some crazy ideas out there and they have nothing to do with God or religion or the lack of God and religion. It's all about the individuals who chose what their opinions are. I just wish that they wouldn't choose to tell me their opinions randomly.

As for Kanye West, didn't see any interviews...but I think it'd be best all around if he just stuck to the script. Poor Mike Meyers.