Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Look Ma, No post!


See, one little emotional issue crops up in my life, then the whole pile comes tumbling down. I feel like those cartoons where the hero opens the door to the closet and everything that was stacked perfectly suddenly goes PLOMP!

My fax won't work, people here are stupid, people who are not here are stupid, my husband has insisted that we go to his girlfriends house so he can fix her damn computer (but will he help with my, the post I've been working on for three days - still not done.

Grrr, I was so happy and now I'm just grouchy. I'm even more grouchy because I think this string of bad luck and minor annoyances are being cause by my confusion on other things. Is there such a thing as psychic feng shui and if you don't believe in moving plants around can you still be affected by psychic feng shui?

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