Sunday, July 31, 2005

Bloggy Drama

People feed off drama. I know this, I know we need it, we crave it, when it isn't present we create it.

But Christoper Columbus people! Can't we have a place where we can escape from it? Could maybe that place be the anonymous, emotionally void land we call the blogosphere?

Nah, I didn't think so either.

I've noticed lately that there is serious unheaval in the blogosphere lately. If I were a blog psychic I'd be collapsing in my chair fanning myself from all the negative energy - could you be a dear and get me my smelling salts...and some sherry?

It feels like high school, someone disagrees with someone else and then someone talks **** and it's on my brothers, it is on. Everyone gets their army and it's a blog/comment/email flame war. Better hope the teachers don't show up after school.

AND as if that weren't enough, in order to get an army you have to show friendship by linking to one another, like pricking yourself and sharing a blood kiss, only less gross I suppose. Though I was always fond of the pink satin jackets myself.

Well my friends I'm taking a stand. I do not care about alliances and who is in whose click. You can hate me or like me, I don't care if anyone reads this stuff or not.

But in case one does happen to read this page, I linked to a bunch of blogs on the side. I linked to them because I happen to like them, something about them spoke to me and made me happy. You should read them too, they're better than this one.

AND not a single one has ever linked to my page, and I don't want them too. I link to them cause I like them, and that's it.

Now take your honeypot love elsewhere!

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