Sunday, January 01, 2006

The years to come

Sitting at a bar enjoying one too many cosmopolitans complete with sugared rims and fried banana egg rolls covered in caramel sauce (I'm sorry, what weight loss resolution was that...?) a couple with a few decades on us siddles in.

He gives up the chair for her and she orders his drink without blinking (Manhattan on the sweet side).

"Do I like that chinese beer?" she asks.

"Which?" the bartender asks back.

"That one...with the K."

"Oh, Kirin Ichiban?" (The fact this is a Japanese beer, not a Chinese beer doesn't come up, but we notice.)

"Should I get that?" the lady asks her partner.

"Whatever you want kid." He answers, snuggling in close behind her chair.

I look over at my own snuggler, currently chomping on a ridiculously large piece of cake and a glass of Guiness.

"When I'm fifty will you still call me kid?"


And as I look at him I know that no matter how old we are, he will call me kid. And kitty. And hon. He'll still tease me. He'll still sit by and let me get silly drunk, crazy drunk, stupid drunk on girly drinks that are pink and come surrounded by sugar...and he'll always take me home. And just like last night, when we crawled into the car and he turned the key, he'll check to make sure my seat is warm.

And I don't think that I could think up any wish or resolution that would beat the fact that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

I just wish I could be as much to him as he is to me.

1 comment:

Rowan Dawn said...

"I just wish I could be as much to him as he is to me."

Oh, sweetie, you are. Otherwise, he wouldn't be to you the way he is to you, trust me.

Happy New Year