Friday, December 16, 2005

Words cannot express...

...but that's a good thing since no one would understand them anyway.

The Washington Post reported today:

Literacy Falls for Graduates From College, Testing Finds

The most disturbing:

Three percent of college graduates who took the test in 2003, representing some 800,000 Americans, demonstrated "below basic" literacy, meaning that they could not perform more than the simplest skills, like locating easily identifiable information in short prose.


katy said...

Hehe, god, you gotta love Brooklyn.

I would like to see everything knocked down state by state because I do wonder if dialect might actually be a factor. And if so, how strong is it really to kids out of college. I mean, is this what they found in Columbia and NYU as well as SUNY? And what did Hawaii look like? There we had something called pidgin, which is Hawaiian Creole English. Do college graduates there have trouble reading because you hear "Da kine wen go to try turn up da lite"? And most of these college students are native to their schools town. There are too many factors making this just freaky. Argh.

Rowan Dawn said...

And you wonder why the freshman classes are all a repeat of senior year in HS! Don't kids learn anything? I am a homeschooler who is going to send her kid back to public school! (Homeschool with 2 babies? Yeah right!)
Oh, well.

Fred said...

I'm not surprised. I can't tell you how many honors students I have that simply cannot write well, and spelling is a major problem for some. I keep wondering how the heck they made it past middle school lacking some of these basic skills.

katy said...

Dawn, I don't blame you...that's a lot of work. Public school isn't that bad though.

Fred, Have you read the study of AP students who have to spend so much time memorizing the content and preparing for the tests that they can't learn the basics that they'll need for college. Study skills, the different types of essays, compare and contrasts, etc. I'll have to find it's interesting. It's like the kids who know how to take the SAT's well...but don't know what the SAT's are for. Makes one wonder when is the time to teach the basics and when is the time to test.


katy said...

I thought danish was a pastry. I prefer the orange ones. *wink*

Actually I don't think that who is leading our country has anything to do with the fact that college students are cruising through school. But I could be wrong. However, these are adults...they should know by now that they need to apply their butts to their seats and start studying.