Thursday, November 10, 2005

Head Scratcher

I consider myself an intelligent person. I have, at least, a good handle on reading comprehension. But sometimes, during the course of my work, I come across something I just do not understand. Is it me? Is there a hidden corporate lingo only known to those that inhabit the fancy boardrooms? Is it the new hip thing to be redundant AND confusing?

Given the fluid nature of our structure at this time, it is not prudent to bring in a ****** at this time.

Call me dumb, but I don't get it.


Fred said...

I spent 23 years in the corporate world, and I don't get it. Maybe that's why I left...

Rowan Dawn said...

How can a structure be fluid? Then wouldn't it be not a sructure?

Andrew Ironwood said...

In my experience, anytime a corporate type uses the word "fluid", it generally translates into something like "up s**t creek without a paddle"...

katy said...

Given the fact that our structure is totally screwed up, it would not be advisable to bring someone else in and destroy the health of their this time.

We won't mind torturing someone later me...we'll do lunch.

Thank you Fred, Dawn LDH, it does make sense now. *l* The more I work there the more the Dilbert Column starts to turn religious.