Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's my blog and I'll be happy if I want too.

My cellphone doesn't get very good reception in my house. It works everywhere...but there. So when my Mom called my cell phone last night I didn't even hear it.

No matter - this morning I had a new voicemail waiting for me. It waited while I trucked my stuff to the car, waited while I sat in traffic on the 295, waited in traffic on the 32. It waited till I had fetched coffee and calendars for my bosses...then it got all my attention.

My Mama had her ultrasound for her biopsy yesterday. Previously these ultrasounds have found bumps and shadows and all sorts of things in the vicinity of her lungs and breasts. But yesterday they couldn't even find a cyst. Nothing...not a thing. No cutting my Mom up and no shooting her full of stuff.

This is good news. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month you're surrounded by stories and memories. My co-workers, my friends, my aunts (every single one of them), my grandma, my great-grandma. The list grows. Then you find out that people you barely know have been battling cancer for years too. The one good thought that comes from BCAM...most of these women are still alive.

In anycase, in the face of all this gloom and horror - there is good news. Sometimes it really is just a dirty film.


katy said...

Now my bots can't even be bothered to substitute "Keyword" or an know...keyword.

This comment neighborhood is going down hill fast.

Fred said...

Great news about your mom. Whew!

I have skin cancer, so I'm all for awareness!