Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Who needs weights...

I think everyone reads newspapers in their own particular order. Myself I read all the arts and book sections first, followed by business, followed by international and finally national. (Opinions comes dead-last and usually only if it captures me within the first three sentences.)

However, I have never found a book review before that talked more about the weight of the book than about the actual premise. Okay, we get it, it's a big book. But I schlepped around the Riverside Complete Shakespeare everywhere I went for a good year and a half...so 4.75 lbs is not that big of a deal to me.

In anycase, being the book fetishist I am...I want this book. It sounds fascinating, and lovely, and fun, and I could skip my bicep curls for awhile...right.

Another book to add to my wishlist. The list is getting long, I need to become filthy rich - fast.

Hunger's Brides.

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