Friday, March 31, 2006

Empty Coffeetable

Today I had to pick up boring wife stuff at the store. And instead of picking up the razors and toothpaste that we need I turn 360 and grab - The DaVinci Code.

In the supermarket. Between diapers and condoms.

And herein lies the real problem. People I know, people I work with, don't know I'm a reader. They seem surprised that I have read every single Jane Austen novel three times, and almost have all of Shakespeares tragedies memorized - and half of the comedies. They about drop dead when I mention articles I've read in the newspaper.

I wasn't sure why people didn't know I didn't read. A quick look in my car will reveal a pile of books for "on the go emergencies" and a bunch of papers with lists of books I need to find and read. Likewise my side of the bed looks like a bookcase threw up. So why don't people know I read?

Because you can't lay a copy of a pretentious, fad-y, smug, semi-religious novel on a coffee table when it's in paperback form and has a big $2.99 with Safeway Club Card" sticker covering the title.

Well you can't unless your thong is drapped over it...and then you're not the "book girl" anymore.


Rowan Dawn said...

I love reading, too. Jane Austin is great. It is a travesty what the movie industry has done to her books. I saw one that was so awful I could puke. Why even use her work? Why not just make your own stupid movie. It distyrbs me to think people will see these and assume that is what her books are about.

Sorry, you got me started. So people think you're a goody goody, but not an intelectual? What the heck do they think you do with your time? Knit sweaters for the homeless?

"Well you can't unless your thong is drapped over it...and then you're not the "book girl" anymore."


Cat said...

" side of the bed looks like a bookcase threw up...."

Finally a description that fits my bedroom! ROFL
Love your blog...great writing, great reading (ah, those tedious little details that will amuse total strangers... who knew???)