Monday, February 06, 2006

Bad Calls

No one could call me a football fan. Last year was the first time I ever actually watched the Super Bowl with any interest. I lived in San Diego when the show blew through there...and I had no idea what was going on.

However, this year I watched. This year I paid quite a bit of attention.

I never knew the referees were supposed to be playing for a team.

Next year I don't think I'll watch. Baseball has drugs, Football has politics. The new American Past Time? Yugiyo Tournaments.


katy said...

Are you sure you watch ESPN or Lifetime???

Fred said...

Hang in there for the commercials. That's all we look for anyway.

Rowan Dawn said...

I'm with Fred. The commercials rock. So does Yugioh!

katy said...

Rex, ever why a channel for women is always about women being beat up?

Fred, this a dirty little secret? My boys keep telling me it's about the game. Are they just pretending to understand all these arbitrary rules and wait around for the cute horsies?

Dawn, I actually know nothing about Yugiyo besides the fact that my semi-adopted-family-brother competes in tournaments for it all the time. And if he likes it then it must be good. And somehow I don't think you find much cheating in something that's so much fun to say.

Fred said...

Yup, they're pretending. Just go along with them...

Anonymous said...