Friday, December 08, 2006


I'm a definite and decided "cat-lady". If not for my marital status and the amount of restraint shown by my husband in the face of cute, cuddly, fuzzy kittens with big soulful eyes and little mews I would be a "crazy cat-lady". And I'd probably be single for the rest of my life and I'm sure that when I died my cats companions would do me the service of eating my face before anyone noticed I was gone. (It's true, it happened to a friend of a cousin of a an ex-boyfriend aunt twice removed!)

Anyway, though I don't have a lot of real-live cats nipping at my heels and planing the big death-day feast I content myself with cat like things. Lots and lots of cat like things. In fact I have so many cat boxes, cat calendars, cat statues, stuffed cats, cat pill-boxes, cat pens, cat jewelry, cat vibrators (just see if your paying attention - I don't really have any cat-sex toys...yet) that my collection has over flowed beyond my home office, to my bedroom, to my kitchen, to my car and finally it's grow sneakers and hiked three miles to my office.

And I'm not alone, there are many of us who have cat like obsessions evident in our cube decorating styles. We're mostly boring-married-people and we are all women. We also are the most likely to coo over the latest picture of fluffy and mitzy chewing on a piece of string or looking quizzically at the toilet seat.

We're just that way. No one else is, they think were cracked. My bosses especially pick on our need to snuggle small furry things. Not a day goes by when I don't hear some disparaging remark about my feline proclivity. Likewise I never tire of hearing how "real men" don't snuggle little cats.

But I've found a way of including everyone in my cat fancy. In addition to the pictures and the figurines I have one giant, fluffy, white stuffed cat. She (because my one live cat is a girl I tend to refer to all cats as girls, I think it is the same with all pet owners) sits right above my computer on my "decoration approved" shelf and watches me type. She also has a secret, which everyone in my department is interested in. She holds my keys. The keys to my drawers, my files, and certain offices. She has them all deep inside her furry, cuddly belly.

So whenever one of my bosses comes up to get the key to such-and-such cabinet he can be seen giving the big fluffy white cat a hug while he rubs her tummy.

1 comment:

Rowan Dawn said...

that's evil! that is so awesome! i like kitties, too!